
Solving pain.
Saving lives.

Even though Dr. Ehtesham is a renowned neurosurgeon and considered an expert in the field, he first and foremost sees his job as alleviating his patient’s pain and getting them back to living their lives as quickly as possible.


“When patients come to see me, they are typically in the kind of pain where their quality of life is quickly deteriorating,” he explained. “My goal is to heal their pain, not just treat their symptoms.”


According to Dr. Ehtesham, most of his patients have already tried everything else and surgery is their last hope for pain relief.


“Most of my patients have spent years trying to manage their pain through conservative approaches and they are coming to me to get it taken care of for good,” he said. “I work with them to find the path to recovery and healing together.

Advanced treatment

When surgery is the only way to pain relief, Dr. Ehtesham will use minimally invasive techniques whenever possible such as endoscopic surgery and robotic surgery. However, to get true healing, not every spine issue can be treated in a minimally invasive way. Fortunately, Dr. Ehtesham is one of very few spine surgeons who is highly skilled in both open and minimally invasive techniques.


Regardless of whether he uses an open or minimally invasive technique, Dr. Ehtesham is a true believer in using technology to help his patients.


“Spine surgery has come a long way in the last few decades,” he explained. “Minimally invasive technology allows me to perform surgery with the least amount of damage and scarring, and the fastest return to life.”


Dr. Moneeb Ehtesham perspective
Perspective of dr. Moneeb Ehtesham

Caring for patients like family.

One of the first things patients notice about Dr. Ehtesham is that he has deep-seated compassion for their pain.


“I see the fear in their eyes when they walk into my office and a big part of my job is to alleviate that fear and replace it with hope,” he said.


Dr. Ehtesham believes the more engaged patients are, the less fearful they will be. As part of his approach, he makes sure they understand all their options, are involved in the decision-making and are invested in the process.


“I feel very blessed that I am able to do what I do,” Dr. Ehtesham said. “One of my greatest joys in life is when my patient no longer has to worry about pain anymore.”

A foundation
of trust.

Trust is another big component of Dr. Ehtesham’s treatment philosophy, and he works hard to build a relationship with his patients.


“My patients place an enormous amount of trust in me,” explained Dr. Ehtesham. “Nobody wants to be operated on – but I think it helps that I communicate with them clearly, carefully, and truthfully so that they fully understand their options.


“I want my patients to truly understand that I have their best interests at heart and that any recommendation for treatment that I make is centered around their individual circumstances,” he said.


Dr. Ehtesham’s ability to communicate in a down-to-earth manner means that patients understand their treatment plans and expected outcomes.

patient treatment perspective of dr. moneeb ehtesham